Fashion, History, and Community: My Day at AIBI Chicago

Jess Crane with AIBI Chicago Scrapbook

Yesterday was a special day for me as I made the drive up to Chicago for a morning meeting. Despite not having dealt with morning rush hour in quite some time, the commute wasn't too bad, thanks to the wonders of adaptive cruise control! The meeting itself was the Annual Board meeting for AIBI Chicago, where about nine of us gathered in person while others joined virtually. It was a productive meeting, and we're all excited about the progress of the organization in 2023 and the promising future ahead!

After the meeting, I had the pleasure of looking through an old scrapbook with Ambar at AIBI. This scrapbook is a treasure trove of amazing pictures and stories about Chicago fashion over the years. It seems I've taken on a historian role lately, first with digitizing and creating a virtual historical archive for the Will County Threshermen’s Association, and now with my research into Chicago’s fashion history.

My involvement with AIBI and FGI Chicago dates back to my college days, and it's been incredible to witness the growth and evolution of these communities over the years. The only time I felt somewhat distant was during my tenure at Sears Holding Corporation, where the commute from the far-out suburbs made it impossible to attend weeknight fashion events downtown. This highlights a recurring theme I've noticed—many fashion-related occupations in the Chicagoland area are located in the suburbs, beyond the reach of the city's public transit system.

Ambar has an extraordinary memory; as we went through the pictures, she recalled different people, their occupations, stories, and more. She credits much of her knowledge of the Chicago fashion industry to the time she spent with the late Kevin Sullivan, who was deeply involved with both AIBI and FGI Chicago. His presence is dearly missed.

I plan to digitize the scrapbook Ambar provided to me, with the goal of making all these wonderful events and memories accessible virtually to everyone on the AIBI website. We even discussed ways to streamline this process and set it in motion, which is incredibly exciting news. Additionally, I picked up a box of historical information about FGI Chicago from Bhavana Jain, and it's quite the hefty box! I look forward to going through it and digitizing that information as well.

Page from AIBI Chicago Scrapbook

Page from AIBI Chicago Scrapbook

As I embark on this journey of research and discovery, I am considering various ways to share this knowledge. Perhaps I will write a book, create an online historical archive or database, or even both! History has always been empowering to me, as it inspires a sense of appreciation, respect, honor, and learning. It's not just about nostalgia; it's about preserving stories and enjoying the rich tapestry of our past. I believe everyone should have access to and be able to enjoy the stories of our past and the people who shaped the industry over the years.

I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery! If you have any memories, media, or stories related to Chicago's fashion history, I would love to hear from you. You can share them with me, and if they are physical items or copies, I can digitize and return them to you. Let's celebrate our history and honor those who came before us. Together, we can ensure that these stories are not forgotten but are cherished and passed down to inspire future generations.

Jess Crane

Jess Crane is a multidisciplinary creative professional, business consultant, and founder of Jess Crane Design LLC. With expertise in various fields, including concept design, product development, business development, nonprofit organizations, marketing, graphic design, music, and writing, she offers consultation and services to help businesses thrive. She is also a connector who brings creative and business communities together through networking events and public events.

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